
祷告不停,整装待战 Prayed-up and prepared for battle 我们是得胜者 We are hell’s worst nightmare 摧毁仇敌的营垒 Bringing down enemy strongholds 靠着祷告的大能 With the power of prayer 站出来吧,祷告勇士! Stand up prayer warriors 你们就是得胜的战士! you are on the front lines 站出来吧,信心战士! Stand up faith fighters 末世的军队已经集结! army of the end times 站稳,不要退缩! Stand up and never back down 站立得稳,坚持到底! Stand up and stand your ground 我们的争战,不是针对血肉之躯 We fight not against flesh and blood 乃是与天上属灵的邪恶势力作战! But against evil in the spiritual realm 阴间的权势不能得胜! The gates of hell shall not prevail 因弥赛亚亲自掌权! With Messiah at the helm 站出来吧,祷告勇士! Stand up prayer warriors 你们就是前线的战士! you are on the front lines 站出来吧,信心战士! Stand up faith fighters 末世的军队已经集结! army of the end times 站稳,不要退缩! Stand up and never back down 站立得稳,坚持到底! Stand up and stand your ground 我们与至高神立约同行! In covenant with the Most High 凭信心争战,而非凭眼见! fighting by faith and not by sight 我们深知,这场战斗已然得胜! We know the battle has already been won 因为他已赐下独生爱子! Because He gave His only Begotten Son 警醒祷告,防备仇敌的一切攻击! Alert and on guard against every attack 靠着信心站稳,对抗仇敌! We stand firm in faith against the enemy 和平的君王,他是我们的元帅! Sar Shalom- Prince of Peace is our Commander- and- Chief 他引领我们走向完全的得胜! Leading us to victory 站出来吧,祷告勇士,你们就在前线! Stand up prayer warriors, you are on the front lines 站出来吧,信心战士,末世的军队已经集结! Stand up faith fighters, army of the end times 站稳,不要退缩! Stand up and never back down 站立得稳,坚持到底! Stand up and stand your ground 站出来吧,祷告勇士! Stand up prayer warriors 你们就是前线的战士! you are on the front lines 站出来吧,信心战士! Stand up faith fighters 末世的军队已经集结! army of the end times 站稳,不要退缩! Stand up and never back down 站立得稳,坚持到底! Stand up and stand your ground