
《New Wine 》 Words and Music by Brooke Ligertwood © 2017 Hillsong Music Publishing CCLI Song No: 7102397 In the crushing 轻轻搅碎 In the pressing 慢慢榨取 You are making new wine 祢在酿造新酒 In the soil I now surrender 在土壤里我已降服 You are breaking new ground 袮在开垦新土 So I yield to You and to Your careful hand 我愿顺服袮和袮温柔双手 When I trust You I don’t need to understand 我要信靠袮无需全都参透 Make me Your vessel 让我做袮器皿 Make me an offering 让我做馨香huoji Make me whatever You want me to be 让我生命成就袮的心意 I came here with nothing 我已抛下所有 But all You have given me 但袮赐给我一切 Jesus bring new wine out of me 生命因YS新酒满溢 Where there is new wine 当新酒流淌 There is new power 就有新力量 There is new freedom 就有新自由 The Kingdom is here 袮国度降临 I lay down my old flames 放下旧日所爱 To carry Your new fire today 新火已由我来承载