1、歌曲“Baby Bunny”
2、兔妈妈找宝宝T: I'm mummy rabbit. I can not find my babies. Can you help me? You should answer the question“What color can you see?”
C: I can see red.
二、学习新单词white ,black
1、黑兔和白兔——Thank you for your help. Look, what color is my baby?
2、黑兔或白兔——Now my babies can change. Look carefully, is it white or black?
3、送给小兔子的礼物—— I want to give some gifts to my babies. I will ask my babies first, and can you send it to them?
三、游戏:Bad Wolf
1、小兔乖乖T: Do you want to be rabbits now, you can put on your ears. If your ears are white, you are white rabbits, if your ears are black, you are black rabbits.
2、大灰狼来了T: Now I'm a bad wolf. I am so hungry. I wanna have my lunch. Music on, you can jump here and there. Music off, if you are white, you should run to the white circle. If you are black, you should run to the black circle.