出版社: 科学出版社
原作名: Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics
译者: 凌复华
出版年: 2020-8-1
页数: 266
定价: 98.00元
装帧: 平装
丛书: 数学名著译丛
ISBN: 9787030655479
内容简介 · · · · · ·
《量子力学的数学基础》是一本革命性的著作,它引起了理论物理学的巨大变化.在这本书中,20世纪最著名的数学家之一约翰·冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann)说明,通过探索量子力学的数学结构,可以获得对量子物理学的深入洞见.他首先介绍了埃尔米特算符和希尔伯特空间理论,它们提供了转换理论的框架,冯·诺依曼将其视为量子力学的确定形式.应用这一理论,他用严谨的数学来应对量子理论中的一些普遍问题,如量子统计力学以及测量过程.
作者简介 · · · · · ·
John von Neumann (/vɒn ˈnɔɪmən/; Hungarian: Neumann János Lajos, pronounced [ˈnɒjmɒn ˈjaːnoʃ ˈlɒjoʃ]; December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist, computer scientist, and polymath. He made major contributions to a number of fields, including mathematics (foundations of mathematics, functional analysis, ergodic theory, representation t...
John von Neumann (/vɒn ˈnɔɪmən/; Hungarian: Neumann János Lajos, pronounced [ˈnɒjmɒn ˈjaːnoʃ ˈlɒjoʃ]; December 28, 1903 – February 8, 1957) was a Hungarian-American mathematician, physicist, computer scientist, and polymath. He made major contributions to a number of fields, including mathematics (foundations of mathematics, functional analysis, ergodic theory, representation theory, operator algebras, geometry, topology, and numerical analysis), physics (quantum mechanics, hydrodynamics, and quantum statistical mechanics), economics (game theory), computing (Von Neumann architecture, linear programming, self-replicating machines, stochastic computing), and statistics.
Von Neumann was generally regarded as the foremost mathematician of his time[2] and said to be "the last representative of the great mathematicians".[3] He was a pioneer of the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics in the development of functional analysis, and a key figure in the development of game theory and the concepts of cellular automata, the universal constructor and the digital computer. He published over 150 papers in his life: about 60 in pure mathematics, 20 in physics, and 60 in applied mathematics, the remainder being on special mathematical subjects or non-mathematical ones.[4] His last work, an unfinished manuscript written while in hospital, was later published in book form as The Computer and the Brain.
His analysis of the structure of self-replication preceded the discovery of the structure of DNA. In a short list of facts about his life he submitted to the National Academy of Sciences, he stated, "The part of my work I consider most essential is that on quantum mechanics, which developed in Göttingen in 1926, and subsequently in Berlin in 1927–1929. Also, my work on various forms of operator theory, Berlin 1930 and Princeton 1935–1939; on the ergodic theorem, Princeton, 1931–1932."
During World War II, von Neumann worked on the Manhattan Project; he developed the mathematical models that were behind the explosive lenses used in the implosion-type nuclear weapon. After the war, he served on the General Advisory Committee of the United States Atomic Energy Commission, and later as one of its commissioners. He was a consultant to a number of organizations, including the United States Air Force, the Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory, the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Von Neumann, theoretical physicist Edward Teller, mathematician Stanislaw Ulam and others worked out key steps in the nuclear physics involved in thermonuclear reactions and the hydrogen bomb.
目录 · · · · · ·
引言 1
第1章 导论 3
1.1 变换理论的起源 3
1.2 量子力学的原始表达 4
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引言 1
第1章 导论 3
1.1 变换理论的起源 3
1.2 量子力学的原始表达 4
1.3 两种理论的等价性:变换理论 9
1.4 两种理论的等价性:希尔伯特空间 15
第2章 抽象希尔伯特空间 19
2.1 希尔伯特空间的定义 19
2.2 希尔伯特空间几何学 25
2.3 关于条件 A E 的补遗 32
2.4 闭线性流形 39
2.5 希尔伯特空间中的算子 47
2.6 本征值问题 55
2.7 拓展 57
2.8 本征值问题初探 64
2.9 本征值问题存在性与唯一性补遗 80
2.10 可易算子 93
2.11 迹 98
第3章 量子统计学 110
3.1 量子力学的统计观 110
3.2 统计意义 115
3.3 同时可测量性和一般的可测量性 118
3.4 不确定性关系 128
3.5 关于投影算子 138
3.6 辐射理论 142
第4章 理论的演绎发展 166
4.1 统计理论基础 166
4.2 统计公式的证明 175
4.3 由实验得到的结论 182
第5章 一般考虑 194
5.1 测量与可逆性 194
5.2 热力学考虑 200
5.3 可逆性与平衡问题 211
5.4 宏观测量 222
第6章 测量过程 232
6.1 问题的表达 232
6.2 复合系统 234
6.3 测量过程的讨论 242
人名索引 247
索引 250
带标识命题的位置 258
引用的文献 260
脚注的位置 265
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