诗歌 | 水深之处





水深之处 Into Deeper Waters 词:郑懋柔 Tiffany M. Cheng 曲:游智婷 Sandy Yu 祢的荣耀吸引我 Let Your glory draw me near 祢的话使心翻动 Let Your words revive my heart 当我渴慕祢更多 As I yearn for more of You 带领我进入水深之处 Lead me into deeper waters 祢的荣光覆盖我 It's Your light that covers me 祢的气息吹向我 Your breath of life blows over me 当我认识祢更多 As I long to know You more 带领我进入祢心深处 Lead me into deeper waters 耶稣 耶稣 耶稣 Jesus,Jesus,Jesus 渴慕更多更多有祢 I long for more and more of You 渴望深深与祢亲近 More of Your presence and Your truth 有祢荣光照耀地方 Here,where Your perfect glory dwells 凡有气息的 凡有气息都要歌唱 All creation sings,all creation sings Your praises 渴慕更多更多有祢 I long for more and more of You 水深之处与祢相遇 In deeper waters,worship You 单单贴近祢的心意 Come draw me closer to Your heart 心中呼求祢 心中呼求主我爱祢 Lord,with all I am,Lord,with all my heart,I love You 我爱祢 我爱祢 I love You,I love You 耶稣 Jesus 我爱祢 我爱祢 I love You,I love You 我爱祢 耶稣 I love You,Jesus  

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