▶▶ 解密耶稣基督受死、埋葬与复活的真相
1、 Sunday observance, and Christmas observance in honor of the Roman Babylonian religion. It is the mark of the beast. 星期天的纪念活动和圣诞的庆祝仪式都是为了纪念罗马巴比伦的宗教。  它是野兽的标志。

2、 But you can worship any day, providing that it is not being used as a replacement for the Sabbath, or in honor of a false god. 但你可以在任何时候敬拜神,只要不是用来代替安息日的,也不是为了纪念假神。

3、 Jesus said that many would come in His name. His name is Christ. to come in His name, is to call yourself Christian. then He said in Matthew 24, that they would come in His name and Deceiving many people.

4、 Jesus was Resurrected on Saturday Evening, not Sunday.  He was Crucified on a Wednesday. That is exactly three days and three nights, 耶稣是在星期六晚上复活的,而不是星期天。 他是在星期三被钉死在十字架上的。那正好是三天三夜.

5、 The Body of Jesus was placed in the tomb just before sundown on Wednesday. 耶稣的身体在星期三日落前被安放在坟墓里。
he was already risen. And it was still dark.


6、 Jesus entered Jerusalem on the Sabbath, which was the Tenth day of the Hebrew Calendar. 耶稣在安息日进入耶路撒冷,这是希伯来历的第十天。
That is the day when He rode on the donkey, and everyone greeted Him, saying Hosanna, and waving the palm branches. this day in the Bible is called the Day of Selection.  it was a Saturday and it was the Tenth day of the month. because it was Saturday, no one was working.
这一天,他骑着驴,大家都欢迎他,挥舞着棕榈枝,并高呼和撒那。 圣经中的这一天被称为选择日。这是一个星期六,是一个月的第十天。因为是星期六,没有人在工作。

7、 The following day was the eleventh day of the Hebrew Calendar, and it was a Sunday.  第二天是希伯来历的第十一天,是星期日。
That is the day when Jesus entered into the temple area and saw the money changers doing business in the temple courts.  那一天,耶稣进了圣殿,看见兑换银钱的人在圣殿里作买卖。
He threw down the tables and force them to leave.  他推倒做买卖人的桌子,赶走他们离开圣殿。
now the day before that he did not do it, because it was Saturday and no one was working to buy or to sell, because it was Sabbath. 就在前一天,他没有这样做,因为是星期六,没有人做买卖,因为它是安息日。

8、 when you read Leviticus chapter 23, the Passover is the 14th day of the month. and we all know that Jesus was killed on the Passover Day, which had to be the 14th day of the Hebrew calendar. 
读利未记 23章知道,逾越节是这个月的第十四天。我们都知道,耶稣是在逾越节那天被杀的,这是希伯来日历的第十四天。
Saturday was the tenth day, Sunday was the eleventh day, Monday was the twelfth day, tuesday was the thirteenth day, and Wednesday has to be the fourteenth day. 
it was on the Passover day, wednesday, the fourteenth day, that Jesus was crucified!


  In Matk 15:42 the preparation day was referring to an annual Festival Sabbath called Feast of Unlearned Bread.

Mark 15:42 says. It was the Day of Preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath.

Since it was already evening.

the seven annual Sabbaths that occur during the Holy Days are listed in Leviticus chapter 23.

在马可福音 15:42记载的预备日指的是一年一度的安息日称为无酵节。



10、 it was preparation day for the Feast of Unlearned Bread and the Feast of First Fruits. this is what the Jews celebrated. the Passover is only referring to the sacrifice that is offered at Sundown on that day. 无酵节和初熟节是预备日。这就是犹太人所庆祝的。逾越节仅指在那天日落后所做的献祭。

11、 the hours before the Passover was offered was not considered part of the Holy day by the Jews of that time.


the period known as the preparation Day, was the Fourteenth day, which is when the sacrificial lambs were offered up. That is when according to all the laws and prophecies, That Jesus had to die.

12、 They took His Body down from the cross before Sundown, at the end of the day of Passover. 在太阳下山前,在逾越节结束的时候他们把他的身体从十字架上取下来。

13、 He was in the tomb on the evening of the Holy Day known as the Feast of Unlearned Bread,, which was Wednesday evening. 在神圣日的晚上他在坟墓里,被称为“初熟的果子”,那是星期三晚上。

14、 So from Wednesday evening to Thursday evening, That is one day. 所以从星期三晚上到星期四晚上,是一天。
from Thursday evening to Friday evening, that is two days. 从星期四晚上到星期五晚上,是两天。
From Friday evening to Saturday evening, That is three days.  从星期五晚上到星期六晚上,那是三天。
so all together it was three days and three nights. 总共是三天三夜。 Saturday at Sundown, Jesus came out of the grave.  星期六的日落时分,耶稣出了坟墓。
That is why when the women came just before daybreak on Sunday morning, the tomb was already empty! 这就是为什么当星期日早上天亮前,妇女们来的时候,坟墓已经空了! 15、那玛利亚为什么是在星期天早上而不是星期四到星期六的三天中任意一天来坟墓膏抹耶稣的身体呢? The women did not go to the Tomb of Jesus for three days, because those three days were Holy Sabbath days. 这三天妇女们没有去耶稣的坟墓,因为这三天是神圣的安息日。 Wednesday the fifteenth day at Sundown, was the start of the Feast of Unlearned Bread. 星期三日落时分,是一个月的第十五天,是无酵节的开始。 The Covered Bread that we eat on that Sabbath represents Jesus Christ as His body layed covered in the grave. 在安息日我们吃遮盖着的无酵饼,代表耶稣的身体被包裹着躺在坟墓里。 Thursday the sixteenth day of the month at sundown, was the Holy Day known as Feast of First Fruits. it Represents that Jesus Is the First Fruit of the resurrection. 星期四日落时分,一个月的第十六天,是这圣日被称为初熟节。它代表耶稣是复活的第一个果实。 Friday the seventeenth day of the month at Sundown, is the start of the weekly Sabbath Day, which ends at Saturday Sundown. which represents the everlasting rest and joy that we will have in the kingdom of heaven. 星期五日落时分,一个月的第十七天,是每周的安息日的开始,在星期六的日落时分结束。这代表着我们将在天国享有永恒的安息和喜乐。 those three consecutive days were Holy Sabbath days, consisting of two Festival Sabbath days and a regular weekly Sabbath Day. therefore, the women could not come to the tomb until after three days and three nights.

16、 马太福音28:1 安息日将尽,七日的头一日,天快亮的时候,抹大拉的马利亚和那个马利亚来看坟墓。
The verse talks about when they came to the grave,  the verse says nothing about what time Jesus came out of the grave.  这句经文谈到她们何时来到坟墓,但并没有说耶稣什么时候从坟墓里出来。
They should not add to the Bible the thing that the Holy Bible did not say. 他们不应该把圣经未说的事加到圣经里。
They should not confuse when she came to the grave, with when Jesus came out of the grave. 他们不应该把她们来到坟墓的时间和耶稣从坟墓里出来的时间混淆起来。
In fact the two angels told them that Jesus was not there, That Jesus had already risen. 事实上,两个天使告诉她们耶稣不在那里,耶稣已经复活了。

17、 I was there, in the very tomb of the resurrected Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen! 这是我在那里,正是复活的主耶稣的空坟墓,我们的救主,阿们! 18、 This article is  from the Messianic Israelite Rabbi. Everything  is true and accurate. Hallelujah!


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